Football Bites

Sunday, February 28, 2021


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Frozen Banana Bites for Game Day Football Superbowl

Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Game Day Bites

These Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Game Day Bites are a healthier take on a tasty little dessert! They are made with bananas, nuts'n more toffee crunch, thin chocolate coating and a dab of frosting. When you bite into them, you get the frozen banana taste with just a hint of the protein superfood and chocolate shell. The frosting on top is icing on the cake for an all-around bite sized dessert. Make sure to share or bag individually, as they are easy to keep eating! 

Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Game Day Bites Recipe Inspiration

Who doesn't love frozen bananas with peanut butter and chocolate?! I will admit, this is a trio that I could eat every single day. (Chocolate Peanut Butter Casein with a banana thrown in is also my favorite bedtime shake, which is just a healthier liquid version.) Since game day usually requires an abundance of chips and dip, soda, pizza... and really anything else that you eat too much of, I decided to find a healthier alternative that still allowed me to participate in the food festivities. This one didn't disappoint, so I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Game Day Bites Ingredients

Ingredients Notes

For the peanut butter, I use a fun toffee crunch spread (they also have birthday cake, cocoa hazelnut, white chocolate, cookie dough, salted caramel peanut butter and more). Of course, regular peanut butter would also work well. For the chocolate dipping candy, I have the kind that hardens immediately, so it's very smooth and easy to create the footballs out of icing. I haven't tried regular chocolate, but I'm sure it could be a great substitute as well. The frosting is just a very small tube, but a larger one should work too. This is such a simple recipe that can be adjusted for macros and ingredients. Feel free to follow my exact recipe or create something similar on your own! 

Recipe Equipment

The equipment is simple for this recipe. The only other thing you may want to prep is a place for the mini baking sheet in your freezer.

From here, you just slice the bananas, add peanut butter in the middle of two, dip and coat in chocolate and top with some frosting in a football design! See below for my exact process, as I freeze them two separate times.

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I hope you love these easy to make game day bites! When you try them out, I'd love for you to comment below to let me know how you like them. You can also tag me on Instagram!


Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Game Day Bites

These Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Game Day Bites are a healthier take on a game day treat. They are made with bananas, peanut butter, milk chocolate and frosting. The center is just the right taste of banana and peanut butter with a chocolate shell.


  • Parchment Paper
  • Mini 1.5 quart Crockpot
  • Spoon
  • Butter Knife
  • Small Baking Sheet
  • Toothpicks


  • 4 Bananas
  • Peanut Butter/Protein Superfood
  • Chocolate Dipping Candy
  • White Frosting


1. Spread out the parchment paper
2. Cut the bananas into small pieces. The smaller you make them, the more bites you can make (although I make mine a little bit thicker).
3. Add peanut butter on top and make a sandwich with two banana slices as pictured
4. Freeze for one hour
5. Heat the chocolate in a Crockpot
6. Take a toothpick, and dip the frozen bananas and peanut butter pieces into the chocolate, covering as much as you can (the bottom usually has very little).
7. When finished, they should all be hardened, and you can top with a little frosting before putting them back into the freezer for an hour.
8. Serve, eat and enjoy!


  • This recipe makes around 20 bites (more if you cut the banana pieces smaller
  • I left the pieces on the baking sheet open until I was ready to eat, but you could also bag them if needed. Keep in mind that the frosting on the top doesn't freeze, so be careful not to mess the football design up
  • Feel free to store for up to three months sealed, but they usually go pretty fast once you start eating them!

I'm usually pretty good at the macros, but I'm on maintenance and decided to make the healthiest treat possible for game day, but also give myself the day to relax a bit on the numbers. However, because there's only four ingredients, this should still be very easy to track if needed!

Thank you for stopping by!

The best compliment to say thank you for this recipe idea is to comment, share or pin. I appreciate your support, and look forward to seeing you back for more next week! 

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